Meditation Helps Inmates

The John J. Moran Prison in Rhode Island is one of the last places one would expect to find a thriving meditative community. “We have everybody here,” says Roberta Richman of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections. “Murderers, Rapists, sex offenders, drug addicts—everybody.” But with the help of Fleet Maull, a former inmate who served 14 years for drug trafficking, some prisoners are experiencing a spiritual awakening that seems to help them cope with life behind bars, and life after prison. more…

via The Atlantic


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Meditation Helps Inmates

Jim Prager

About the Author

I was incarcerated in Michigan from 1991 until 2000. Upon my release, I applied for and, in 2011, was granted a restricted Social Work license in Ohio. In addition, I have 16 years of re-entry experience working with offenders at Citizens Circles, 12-step meetings, and in houses of worship.

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