Today is Martin Luther King Day.  This day is especially meaningful to those of us dealing with incarceration regardless of the crime or our situation.  I recently listened to a video by Janice Bellucci from the  Reform Sex Offender Laws group.  She gave a speech based on King’s I Have a Dream speech regarding freedom from hideous and expensive sex offender registry laws which fail to accomplish their stated aim of protecting the public.  Days like this are a reminder of our continued cruelty towards people we see as different.  We can do better than that.


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Jim Prager

About the Author

I was incarcerated in Michigan from 1991 until 2000. Upon my release, I applied for and, in 2011, was granted a restricted Social Work license in Ohio. In addition, I have 17 years of re-entry experience working with offenders at Citizens Circles, 12-step meetings, and in houses of worship.

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