I’m Jim

Your Guide Through
Challenging Times

My Services

Pre-Incarceration Counseling

People facing incarceration have many fears about their impending fate. Fear paralyzes the mind and inhibits rational thinking that is desperately needed at this moment of change. It is vitally necessary that correct information and wise direction be utilized now so that life-altering decisions are based on facts instead of myths and lies.

My education, training and experience allow me to education clients about initial intake procedures, short-term assimilation processes and eventual adjustments to confined life.

I will also alleviate concerns regarding living arrangements, organizational expectations, institutional activities and even vocational and educational opportunities once the transition is complete.

Intra-Confinement Communication

Too often, institutionalized persons are cut-off from communication with those outside the prison system. This leads to isolation, more difficult confinement and problematic reintegration once released.

I can provide all forms of communication allowed by a given institution so that clients can stay abreast of current events and remain connected to someone who cares about their well-being.

I can also serve as a conduit for important information not otherwise available to people who are incarcerated.

Transition Management

From time to time – for efficiency and cost concerns – residents of institutions are regularly moved among various housing units or even to different facilities.

Because of security concerns, these relocations are sudden and unexpected.

However, I can serve as a family, visitor or religious counselor liaison to help coordinate information exchange between the client and these contacts.

This can ensure a relatively uninterrupted flow of communication during times of upheaval which can help put the clients mind at ease.

Reintegration Assistance

When the day arrives to return to a life of freedom, many institutions provide some help to ease the client’s reintegration back into society.

However, this help is often inconsistent and, in many cases, non-existent.

I can help coordinate providers and direct the client to register for essential services – many of which the client may not even know are available to them.

Statistics show that proper reintegration is vital to a positive transition back into society after incarceration, minimizing the chances of recidivism and maximizing the client’s success in life.

About Me

My name is Jim Prager. I am a Social Worker licensed in the state of Ohio.

I was incarcerated in Michigan from 1991 until 2000. Upon my release, I applied for and, in 2011, was granted a Social Work license in Ohio. In addition, I have 9 years of re-entry experience working with offenders at Citizens Circles, 12 step meetings, and in houses of worship.

My personal experience and professional training has provided me the opportunity to help individuals and adult family members facing incarceration adjust to the situation and learn how to make prison time more tolerable and positive.

It is not a good thing to be incarcerated or have a family member incarcerated. But it can also be a learning experience and I can make your time in prison easier, safer, and productive.

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